“It tricks us into questioning the reality of reality rather than the reality within the film. A feeling that seems something like the dominating mood this historical moment, where life is a social media post waiting to happen.”
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…a lot of people’s lives would be easier if they could unabashedly display the love they choose.
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“For this joy, I hit the heart emoji, all day long because it is hope and it is always certain that I will find it somewhere, as long as the well is deep and there are people pressing forward with life, even if they are infants, unaware of the burden they will inherit.”
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Entertainment used to be an escape, now it’s an expectation and, like with everything we take for granted, I’ve grown resentful of both its presence and its absence.
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What does our media say about our culture? What does our reliance on media say about us as individuals? How does the media we consume change us? Does the infinite connection of social media really bring us closer together?
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