We didn't necessarily plan it this way, but 2016 has evolved into the year of the essay here at Awst Press. One might think that we don't have anything else to offer. Fortunately, we do! And thankfully, there's plenty of high quality work to choose from.
We are happy to spotlight our lone short story offering today for a Pushcart Prize nomination. Owen Egerton tapped Erin Pringle to be in his chapbook series and she gave us "The Wandering House."
“My interest in stories and in living is to explore what it means to be alive and to explore your identity when death is present. In some way, I’m writing to my former self—the one before she experienced such loss—to show the reality of it because it is I think it’s so ignored. It’s like death doesn’t exist, so when you finally experience it, it’s a total mind fuck. You have no idea how to deal. I’m not trying to romanticize it, but to show the complexity of it, and I can’t think of anything more important to write about. I want to write about what it means to be a creature who dies and loses people and what love means within that context and what God means within that context. I have a hard time writing about things that don’t gravitate towards that.”