We found out last night that one of our authors, Donald Quist, is in a serious predicament. He moved back to the United States earlier this year to take care of his mom. Her health has continued to deteriorate such that he has had to move her to a facility but cannot keep her there if she doesn't get Medicaid. There are complications preventing her from getting Medicaid and Donald is asking for help to overcome these.
There is a YouCaring fundraiser page. Please consider supporting Donald and Dorothy. For the remainder of the year, Awst Press will be donating all proceeds from chapbook and Harbors sales plus the press's portion of sales from our other three books. If you are not in a position to help via these two options, please consider spreading the word to others who might be able to. Thank you for whatever help you are able to provide.
Here is info from the YouCaring page:
“I’m asking for help. My name is Donald Quist. I am my mom’s only child. Since January 2017, I have been my mother’s primary caregiver. She suffers from end-stage renal disease in addition to peripheral neuropathy, retinal vascular occlusions, and diabetes. She receives kidney dialysis treatments three days a week and requires significant assistance.
But my mother has reached a level of care I am unable to maintain physically, and I have exhausted all my financial resources. I have managed to find placement for my mother at a long-term nursing center. However, without Medicaid, my sole income fails to cover the majority of the facility costs.
For my mother to qualify for Medicaid and receive the care she requires, I need help paying a penalty to the U.S. government for the appraised value of the property she has owned within the last five years. ”